유기 고분자 전자 연구실

Organic & Polymer Electronics Lab


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No. 제목 작성일
77 [언론보도] 기존 태양전지의 한계를 극복할 수 있는 새로운 가능성 제시 23.02.21
76 [축하] Doyoung Lee got married last Sunday. Congratulations! 22.06.28
75 [수상소식] Hyun Wook Kim won the Best Poster Award in 2022 KSIEC Spring Meeting, Congratulations! 22.06.14
74 [수상소식] Hongki Kim won a Silver Award in 'the 28th HumanTech Paper Award' sponsored by Samsung Electronics, Congratulations! 22.02.15
73 [축하] Dr. Eun Kwang Lee becomes a faculty at Pukyung National University. Congratulations!! 22.02.15
72 [축하] Our work reporting a hippocampus-inspired organic artificial synapse has been highlighted on Advanced Science News! 21.07.28
71 [축하] Dr. Xiaobo Shang becomes a faculty in Xi'an Jiaotong University, Congratulations! 21.01.11
70 [수상소식] Prof. Oh won a Science and Technology Grant in 2020 the 3rd Korea Toray Science Foundation Awards 20.11.11
69 [수상소식] Hong Ki Kim won a Bronze Award in 'the 26th HumanTech Paper Award' sponsored by Samsung Electronics, Congratulation! 20.11.11
68 [축하] Yoon Ho and O Young's review paper in top 5% of most read articles 20.09.14